Anger, it could be my middle name. I can't believe I am back to being the Angry girl. I am trying so hard to shed my scales of angry, but nothing is working. To think that I I went through years of therapy, ton of self-help homework to be back in the same fucking boat - an angry mother fucker. I am angry that I have to work, angry that I choose this job instead of the other one, and angry that the people I work with are just mother fuckers. For the last few weeks I've been nothing but angry and mean, it's not a fun way to be, and I am not an ugly person, being angry and mean makes you ugly.
This what I've dealt within the past week:
- The other desk jockey works part-time, but she doesn't drive in the snow so she hasn't been here in two weeks, you're 42 to years old, you've lived in this area - a four seasons area that gets hit by snow every winter and you don't drive in it...strap on some balls and get over it.
- One agent is so fucking mean, every time she speaks fire spits out of her mouth, this is the same bitch that brought me her dead mothers clothes. Which were all 1XL's, stretch pants and bedazzled up the fucking ying yang. She can lick my asshole.
- Mr. Black is as clueless as a sorority girl at her final exams.
- Intern boy came to worked stoned, again. I don't blame him he's not getting paid.
- Mr. Khaki is pissed that someone edited his marketing letter, well when it reads like my first grader wrote it, it needs to be edited.
I am going to try hard this week to not to be so mean, angry and ugly.
Wish me luck.
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