Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Fifteen. Pigs. Entitled Pigs.

Let me ask you a question: When you finish a bag of pretzels, or slam down a soda, or eat a package of cookies, what do you do with the wrapper? Do you put it in the trash? Yes, right? Your answer is yes, right? Right? Because you're a normal fucking person -the people I work with leave their garbage, the empty wrappers, the used coffee cups, the left over sugar packets, the half-eaten bag of cookies all on the counter in the employee kitchen- as if the trash, the receptacle, the garbage can is over 5 miles away and they just can't make the trek because they couldn't possibly walk all that way – they’d risk busting a heel on their Louboutins or the stick that is shoved up so far up their asses that it's coming out their nose may just fall out, imagine that? I don’t mind do a little light cleaning, a spritz of fantastic here, and a sweep there but people I am not your maid, common courtesy douche bags.

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