Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Thirteen. Meet The Girls.

The company I work for has three luxury real estate offices, a small company of about 100 employees, well four salaried employees and 96 real estate "free" agents.  Each office has an Office Administrator that supports anywhere between 15-25 real estate agents, about five come to the office on a daily basis and the other 15-to-20 haunt us through phone and email...on a daily basis. 

We are a strange crew of Office Administrator's our age ranges from 24 to 70.

Mrs. Orange is 55, a smart gal, a smidge bitter, mother of 3, divorced, at this gig because she really does enjoy Real Estate (not sure why), and the job, however she is not treated well at all, she tends to run her mouth which gets her in trouble but c'mon, who doesn't run their mouth? HELLO we're in a office dominated by 97 women... get a clue! 

Ms. Yellow is a 24 a smart, funny, striking blonde that is literally wasting her talents at this place, she's been here since graduating college, and has no real direction. This is no place for a 20 something, my goal is get her out of here and into a real career. Yes I am taking on a new project, it's called PROJECT MY, first step...getting her resume done.

Mrs. Gold is a 70 something General Manager of all three offices, and is the matriarch of the company, she manages everything from all the bullshit with the Agents, Mr. Black, and the
Office Administrator's,  she's a smart straight shooter, unbelievably stylish and classy. I believe Class may be her middle name, as it exudes from her being as well as anything Louis Vuitton. 

We are the cogs that make the wheels move in this fine organization, we are the ball to every bat, the peanut butter and jelly to the bread, we are the Crockett and Tubbs of Real Estate, lucky us.


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