Thursday, December 9, 2010

Work. UGH.

Yes I went to work. After a year and half of unemployment it was about time I went back to work, or at least that’s what my husband said. What the hell does he know?  I liked being home with the kids; yes I do/did, well most of the time anyway. It was fun; especially having the summer off - Beach, pool, lunch dates with my friends – I really didn’t think I needed a job until my husband said we couldn’t take a bloody vacation. That’s when the light bulb went off, and I realized I need a frick’in job cause I certainly need a frick’in vacation.
So I went out and interviewed and interviewed and interviewed, and gave up a career track position for a job that is 10 minutes from my children, a job that is going to be flexible, and work with a “working mom”, a job I wouldn’t take home with me, one that would allow me to pursue my real dream of becoming a columnist, a writer, a published writer.  So what is this gem of a job?  Well, I’m an Office Administrator for a High End Luxury Real Estate firm in a wealthy suburban town. Who’s a lucky girl? No seriously, who’s a lucky girl? Cause that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you know you’re making the wrong decision it decided to fuck me over the day I interviewed.

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